Transhumanism and Science Fiction


.....Human sexuality is one of the avenues that gets upgraded via technology in Memories with Maya, but the very essence of what makes us human – our emotions, our ability to make the intangible… tangible, via the plasticity of our minds and leveraging technology – is what the story is about. Hard science fiction aims to present plausible science and scenarios to seed ideas in readers of the genre – many of whom have more than a passing interest in the fields of science and philosophy.

What is Low-Level Science Fiction?

Science fiction that is well thought out, with clear road-maps drawn for advancing humanity via technology, is what could be termed – Lo-Lev Sci-fi. It borrows a term from computer language programming:  “Low level coding”.

Some aims of Low level Sci-fi are:

  • To present current technology and extrapolate to near future tech, in the form of story – thus accelerating the idea seeding process for people of science, encouraging them to investigate and implement scenarios described in a Lo-lev Sci-fi novel.

  • Creatively present with as much detail as possible, the implementation of said technology- while avoiding long info-dumps and contrived ‘literary devices’ to explain the tech – The art of crafting compelling low level sci-fi stories.

  • Activate low level circuits in a readers mind with one’s prose, akin to how literary works of the past did. Lo-lev Sci-fi is hard Sci-fi with a literary slant. Too many of today’s sci-fi novels rely on formulaic writing, resorting to “cliff hangers” and thrills at the expense of plausible science and food for thought.

  • Trim fluff – when necessary- by subscribing to the Hemingway school of writing. Reading habits are changing in the 21st century as is the very definition of a “book”.

  • Success for a low level sci-fi novel is: Deployment, within a decade – of an original scenario or technology presented in the story.

  • Low level Sci-fi, unlike Mundane Sci-fi, is not against FTL travel – or Worm holes. After all, what used to once be termed science fiction may soon become reality at an exponential pace.

Readers of this essay are invited to expand on these points with their own thoughts.

The above is not a manifesto as much as it is a call for the creation of a sub genre of Science-Fiction whose main goal is to accelerate the transcendence of humanity.

A core difference between Lo-Lev Sci-fi and Hard Sci-fi: (Q posed by redditor “m104″)
Hard sci-fi inspires with ideas grounded in plausible science – Lo-Lev sci-fi is like getting the blue-print to implement an idea, presented in narrative form with emphasis on context.