TransVision 2010 Presentation by Valerija Pride

Valerija Pride Valerija Pride is a Transhumanist and President of KrioRus, the first cryonics company outside of the United States, whose recent scientific work includes work on the very promising Human Aging System Diagram project
Valerija Pride: Noosphere Posthuman*  A hypothetical concept and technological preconditions for its implementation
N. Bostrom considered the space of possible forms of living creatures selecting among them animals, humans, transhumans and posthumans. Just as animals and humans has long been classified by numerous parameters into various types so can the hypothetical phenomena “transhuman” and “posthuman”.
There are already some versions of transhumans in the popular imagination: cyborgs, genetically modified humans, uploaded minds, persons augmented with nanotechnology, and others. Good descriptions and even visualizations of various types of transhumans were produced by the authors of a role-playing game “Eclipse phase”. Posthuman is defined as someone “whose basic capacities so radically exceed those of present humans as to be no longer unambiguously human by our current standards”. Currently we foresee, for example, the following varieties of posthumans.........*continua vedi link
TransVision 2010 is a global transhumanist conference and community convention. The event will take place on October 22, 23 and 24, 2010 in Milan, Italy with many options for remote online access.