Twitter gold. Il nuovo pd della Serracchiani e Beppe Grillo, la Nasa e i Robot....


Ecco cosa fa tendenza su Twitter questa settimana.
  Roberto Guerra

Beppe Grillo @beppe_grillo

Il nuovo pd della Serracchiani:…

8 giu

Il nuovo pd della Serracchiani

Senza mancarle di rispetto le propongo di votare con noi una legge per togliere qualsiasi stipendio ai politici arrestati (anche in via cautelare).

NASA Marshall News @NASA_Marshall

NASA's 2014 Sample Return Robot Challenge starts next week; read about one team that is competing #321TechOff #srrbot

7 giu

Students compete for nod from NASA

Schenectady High School students designed and built a rover that, if successful in a competition with 22 other college level teams, could help NASA scientists learn more about The Red Planet.


Tweet collegato

Paolo Zamboni @zambo57

#DrainBrain un progetto di @UniFerrara approvato #NASA con implicazioni per la salute di tutti @estensecom…

8 giu

Strain-gauge Plethysmographic Analysis of the CErebral DRainage Experimented and Assessed in the Micro-gravitational Setting

On Earth, blood flows down from a person's brain back toward the heart thanks in part to gravity, but very little is known about how this flow happens without gravity's effects. Many crewmembers report headaches and…


Tweet collegato @Change

More than half a million signatures calling for @Walmart to "stop the torture of pigs" $WMT

6 giu

It's Time For Walmart's Board of Directors To Stop the Torture of Pigs

Two of the country's largest pork producers – Smithfield Farms and Tyson Foods – have just announced they want to get rid of gestation crates, small...

Reid Wiseman @astro_reid

Egyptian desert meets t he Red Sea on a cloudless afternoon.

8 giu



ArchivioDFW @archivioDFW

@Bookrep scopro solo ora l'hashtag #teamDFW! Bravi!

8 giu




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