Transvision 2010 Eugene Leitl...


Eugen Leitl is a German cryonicist and transhumanist activist, a computer scientist and an expert in several disciplines including neurotechnology. (*vedi speakers>)


"I found this picture of Eugen Leitl on my computer. Eugen is a transhumanist superstar, and also a chemist. We don’t agree about everything, though. For example, Eugen thinks that societies and agents will always retain Darwinian elements like pain, conflict, and the like. Also, he thinks that solar is a more viable source of energy than nuclear, which I disagree with. Other than those two items, I agree with him about most things.His website, if you want to call it that, is heregiuliaborghini.jpg."

“Sayfan” Giulia Borghini begun her journey into knowledge in the academic world, as a doctor in physics at the University of Rome, where she researched for few years in biophysics. A passionate traveler she has taken her personal questions about humanity and future across the world to meet several countries and cultures. She uses her solid background in philosophy, scientific thought and her interest in emerging perspectives to bring live questions into discussion, both in her lectures and on the web. She is following the enfoldment of transhumanist thought since 2005 when first exposed to “a Letter to Mother Nature”. In the last two years she is part in the web philosophical project Polytopia, together with a remarkable team of thinkers, visionaries and artists.

TransVision 2010 Presentation by Riccardo Campa

Polytopia Project

Polytopia is a philosophical experiment living on the net for the last two years, hosted as a prominent project in It is described as a ryzhomatic web of simultaneous explorations, confronting the necessity to create a conceptual backbone to accommodate and enhance plurality and diversity, as they are already emerging in our hyperconnected present, and are most definitely envisioned as a part of our future human communities. The presentation brings to light the main clusters of concepts that emerged in these two years of polylogue among participants, and is viewed as a work in progress.  speakers