All his activity is made among an environment of psychological an theological archetypes soft as a silk’s dress with progressist and modernist political tone . Without doubts his color is Blue and Mr. Patruno may be considerate more better than the local dominant laical and nonreligious intellighenzia . A part all other consideration, Don Franco cultural inheritance is very consistent and very important . In fact he leave to the future generations, which could be able to benefit from his cultural singular experience , a valuable and consistent literary production , faithful mirror of his personal and cultural really aristocratic profile.
Via Vaspergolo, I racconti di Pantaleo, Quando ebbi una duna e altre storie ferraresi…There are only some examples of it . We are talking about words with the wonderful power to narrate stories and make Poems really actual and trusty and plausible postrealists ante litteram istantly .
This is the experiment of new literacy really able, in the tsunami of contemporary culture of Images, to perceive exactly the strength and the impetus of the coming’s wave, and also to dominate and love passionate this phenomenon . That’s recognised and baptised as New Real , disturbing …but also happy and enchanted muses ( often Ferrara as beautiful theatre of the stories ) .
So all this Patruno Writer: echoes , input very elevated and etherical fully of pulsions/tensions present/future which remember Rilke divine poete of God of the Future felt and perceived as a baby early born , not yet visible to the presentists maybe laics …