Da: space-renaissance-initiative per conto di Adriano V. Autino, SRI, President <adriano.autino@gmail.com>
We are glad to forward this invitation, received by Dr. Joe Pelton (GALIX).
You are cordially invited to register for free as members and supporters of SRI for the Global Alliance for International Space Collaboration (GALIX) Congress on March 18-19. (10:00am-12:30pm EDT and 15:00-17:30 pm CET)
This global forum features many key space leaders from around the world including NASA Chief Scientist James Green, SRI President Adriano Autino, Niklas Hedman of the UN OOSA, Michelle Hanlon of For All Moonkind, Juan De Dalmau President of the Internat'l Space Univ., Lucy Stojak of the Canadian Space Council, Alicia Woodly of Axiom, J-J Tortora of the European Space Policy Institute, Su-Yin Tan of the Univ. of Waterloo, Canada, Dr. Kai-Uwe Shrogl of ESA/DLR, and many other notables listed in the Program at GALIX.net. Please go to https://www.galix.net and click on registration page.
Notice of the Zoom Address will be sent to you in coming days. The Purpose of GALIX is to expand international collaboration in space and to enhance space policy, financial opportunity, education and training, and regulation to this end of global partnership. Some fifteen organizations are working in collaboration on this global initiative. Registration is on a first come and first serve basis and a Zoom address for this event will be provided to you in coming days after you are registered.
With Kind Regards. Professor Joseph N. Pelton, Dean Emeritus, International Space University, Chair of the Board of GALIX, Exec. Board, International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety, Founder of the Arthur C. Clarke Foundation, and Founding President of the SSPI
NOTE: the GALIX conference March 18-19 is a stepping stone and part of the preparation for the 2021 Space Renaissance Congress, to be held June 26th - 30th, on the Zoom platform.
Please also check the Call for Papers, register, and possibly submit an abstract of yours.