“And! We are forced to "use" a television program to be able to have a voice, a voice that rises from the people and that says:Just in these so-called television entertainment!Vuote, vulgar, culturally non-existent that we feel does not represent us. Just misleading messages that evoke these broadcasts. Just to the squandering of public money! (Yes, because even when they are sponsored by private companies, the relapse rate is the price of the product and always on the shoulders of the citizen!)Just give space only to gossip and profanity, only the worst that human nature can become. Just rub your hands, looking forward to the next lite, the next piece of crap that ... MAYBE!… Live!Basta!The Italians have a lot of patience, but we will not tolerate the posting of these realities than with the lives of those, bread, try to earn it every day!Enough with the privileges, compromises, the sale of its identity.
*vedi anche:
intervista di Gaia Conventi/Gumwriters a Rossotrevi
Max Adler sul blitz di Rossotrevi al GF11