With the very foundations of the Confucian social system under attack after the 1911 Revolution, Chinese intellectuals looked to Western philosophy for the solution to China's problems - to Kant's dualism, Compte's and Spencer's positivism and Hropotkin's mutual aid theory. The writings of Wang Guowei /1877-1927) reflect the influence of Western dialectical views of history:"The idealist world outlook is attractive but not credible, the positive method of natyral sciences is xredible though not attractive" The Soviet Revolution in Russia in 1917 was hailed by Li Dazhao, one of the first Chinese Marxists, with the words:"The bell of of humanitarianism has rung and the light of freedom has dawned ". Two years later, students and intellectuals across the country demonstrated, in what came to be known as the Nay 4 Movement, against the parcelling up of Chinese soil into foreign concessions, over the head of the Chinese government, at the Versailles Peace Conference. Mao Zedong later adjudged this an historic occasion:"Thw cultural revolution ushered in by the May 4 Movement was a movement for thoroughly opposing feudal culture; since the dawn of Chinese history, there had never been such a great and thoroughgoing cultural revolution". In 1921 the Chinese Communist Party was formally established elements of the Chinese political tradition.
Casalino Pierluigi
Casalino Pierluigi