Transumanisti Transvision Ottobre 2010 SPEAKERS anteprima

da TRANVISION 2010  a cura dell'AIT (Associazione Italiana Transumanisti) - Ottobre 2010
Riccardo Campa is Professor of Sociology at the University of Cracow. He possesses two Master of Arts degrees, in Political Science and Philosophy, from the University of Bologna and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Nicholas Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. He founded and is currently president of the Italian Transhumanist Association, and is a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.
Aubrey de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist, and the Chief Science Officer of the SENS Foundation. The central goal of Aubrey de Grey's work is the expedition of developing a true cure for human aging.
Ben Goertzel is founder and CEO of two computer science firms Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC, and of the non-profit Artificial General Intelligence Research Institute. He serves as Director of Research for the Singularity Institute for AI.
David Orban is an entrepreneur and visionary. He is Chairman of Humanity+, Advisor of the Singularity University, a Founder of WideTag, Inc., a high technology start-up company providing the infrastructure for an open Internet of Things.
Max More, the founder of Extropy Institute, has written many articles espousing the philosophy of transhumanism and the transhumanist philosophy of extropy, most importantly his Principles of Extropy (currently version 3.11). In a 1990 essay "Transhumanism: Toward a Futurist Philosophy", he introduced the term "transhumanism" in its modern sense. More is also noted for his writings about the impact of new and emerging technologies on businesses and other organizations. His "Proactionary Principle" is intended as a balanced guide to the risks and benefits of technological innovation.
.. AND 
Natasha Vita-More-Lincoln Cannon-José Luis Cordeiro-Robert Geraci-Miriam Ji Sun-Randal A. Koene-Eugen Leitl-David Pearce-Giulio Prisco-Martine Rothblatt-Anders Sandberg-Rémi Sussan-Stefano Vaj-Giuseppe Vatinno-

****and others

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