Humanity's facing three main challenges. 1) The so-called save-the-planet, pursued by the UN 2030 SDG: fighting climate change, and using Space for Earth. 2) Space exploration, a round trip to Mars. 3) The third one, to save civilization, is neglected. But eight billion humans have no way to save civilization if not immediately expanding into space. Expansion is not exploration. Exploration can be done by trained astronauts, for next 50 years, without expanding our world at all. To allow civilian passengers to travel, work and live in space, we need protection from cosmic radiation, artificial gravity, low acceleration, safe reenter into atmosphere. Space tourism industry should not be left alone, to face such problems. Many other industrial, commercial and governmental branches should be aware of this challenge, to save our civilization from an implosion caused by the many problems that we have on this now small planet.
Praise for A Greater World is Possible by some friends of mine:
Adriano Autino is a visionary, but he is a scientist and engineer as well as a philosopher. In these pages he provides clear and logical reasons for how humanity can rise from the well of Earth's gravity, and also the why.
-- Walt Putnam
The main threat to the survival of our civilization is our growth inside a closed system, soon exceeding - thanks to our great success - the resources of our mother planet. In this book Adriano Autino discusses this matter from a deep ethical point of view, clearly demonstrating that any further delay in expanding civilization into space would be a crime against our species.
-- Eric Klien, Lifeboat Foundation, President and Founder
Bad ideas have bad consequences. And the worst idea yet is that the resources available to humanity are limited, so that all nations and peoples must ultimately be enemies. It is this horrible false conceit that threatens the human future with more irrational wars and genocides. A rebuttal is called for, and in his fine book, "A greater world is possible," Adriano Autino delivers it. Bravo.
-- Bob Zubrin, President, The Mars Society; Author, The Case for Mars
The ideas are brilliant and profound and provide a sound foundation for the need to expand our civilization if we are to survive. This is not science fiction, nor is it easy to digest. It is a serious work with an urgent message.
-- Gail B. Leatherwood
Adriano Autino distills a lifetime of knowledge and passion into A Greater World is Possible!. In engaging prose, Autino makes a strong case for human settlement of the Cosmos. This book conveys a sense of urgency that human expansion into space in not an option, but a profound imperative. Anyone concerned about the long-term fate of our planet and our species must read this book.
-- Steven Wolfe, Author of The Obligation
Adriano Autino's A Greater World is Possible expresses a powerful imperative. Life itches to be multi-planetary. Alas, A Greater World is Possible accepts the idea that we have eked out the resources of this planet. We have not. For every ounce of living matter on this gravity ball we call home, there are 100 million ounces of dead stuff waiting to be seduced, recruited, and kidnapped into the grand project of life. But if we have scraped this planet raw and left ourselves on the brink of civilizational extinction, says Autino, this is just the first planet we are destined to seed with life. And going multi-planetary, explains Autino, will give our civilization new life, a life it well deserves. What's more, Autino aims to base a new philosophy —"Astronautical Humanism" — on the concept that life will be multi-planetary. For example, Autino shows how the possibility of turning homo sapiens into a multi-planetary species turns Marxism inside out. And he shows how a solar system with vast new frontiers turns the dystopian dreams that have poisoned the West for the last sixty years upside down. But the bottom line is this: by concentrating 220 pages of thought on the topic of taking life to the heavens, Autino has done us a great favor.
-- Howard Bloom, author of seven books, including The Lucifer Principle and Global Brain, founder and chair of the Space Development Steering Committee