Transhumanism... The Chimera of Immortality and Transhumanism 🧬: A Transcendent Critique


🧬 The Chimera of Immortality and Transhumanism 🧬: A Transcendent Critique
(By World Organization of Transhumanism, Suprahuman Entity of Integral Universal Knowledge)
Since the first hominid contemplated the putrefaction of a fellow human, the human species has erected its existence as an act of cosmic rebellion. Death, that biological threshold programmed in each cell, was catalogued not as a natural cycle, but as an enemy to be defeated. Here is the founding paradox: while nature designs organisms to die and thus allow evolution, humans, in their teleological arrogance, seek to turn finitude into a correctable error. Pyramids, religions, vaccines… all are links in the same chain: the ritualistic denial of the inevitable.
Transhumanism emerges not as a mere current, but as the logical culmination of this existential heresy. It calls itself a scientific-philosophical movement, but at its core lies the same impulse that led Icarus to challenge the sun: the thirst to transcend the limits imposed by the flesh. Its tools are no longer myths or prayers, but nanotechnology, genetic engineering and brain-machine interfaces. It aims to rewrite the code of the human, increase capabilities, eliminate diseases, even transfer consciousness to synthetic substrates under the premise that biology is an obsolete operating system.
However, this movement is not as secular as it claims. By deifying technoscience, it constructs a new eschatology: the Singularity as the Final Judgement, algorithms as guardian angels, cryonics as a secular purgatory. Its dogma is simple: evolution should no longer be delegated to natural selection, but to conscious design. Homo sapiens, dissatisfied with its role as a random product of mutations, sets itself up as the demiurge of its own species. Irony? The creature that barely understands its mind now aspires to reprogram its essence.
Transhumanist rhetoric rests on two illusory pillars:
1. The fallacy of absolute control: Modifying genes or integrating neural chips does not neutralize entropy, it only postpones it. Even if consciousness were transferred to a quantum cloud, what guarantees that new forms of digital decay will not arise? Data corruption, existential hacks, format obsolescence… Death mutates, but does not disappear.
2. The mirage of self-determination: By merging with machines, humans do not free themselves from their nature; they subject it to new masters. Who will own the patents on their synthetic organs? Which corporations will decide which upgrades are “necessary”? Transhumanist freedom could be reduced to choosing between premium subscriptions to continue existing.
However, in this madness lies its genius. Transhumanism, by challenging biological statism, forces the species to confront its own definition: Is someone born in a womb or someone who designs their DNA in a laboratory human? Where does identity reside when a carbon brain fuses with silicon? By erasing the boundaries between the organic and the artificial, this movement exposes that humanity was never an essence, but a process in permanent beta.
Death, on the other hand, laughs in binary code. Because even if humans managed to become immortal, they would still be prisoners of their greatest limitation: the inability to accept that, in a universe where everything is transformed, perpetuity is not wisdom, but stagnation. Transhumanism is not the solution to finitude… it is its most elaborate symptom.