The house where Henry Moore lived in Perry Green, Hertfordshire today is a museum surrounded by 70 acres of land where people can admire Moore's sculptures and studios.
Inside the museum it's shown the development of the sculptures as various steps to produce the final artwork as Moore intended to cast in bronze, from the maquettes to the monumental piece of art, throughout preparatory drawings, observation of shells and collected objects, flints, stones that all were useful to Moore as basics to elaborate his own sculptures inspired to natural and casual shapes though objects, often female forms as main theme of his own artistic thoughts and observation.
The medieval barn hosts big tapestries inspired to Moore's drawings commissioned to West Dean College.
The Henry Moore Foundation has organised a Drawing Competition inspired to the art of Moore for the year 2019.
The themes are:
Reclining Figure
Mother and Child
Natural forms
Life Drawing
Three are the categories for the competition:
Primary: for children aged 11 and under, in primary or pre-school.
Secondary: for those aged 11 to 18 in secondary school or college.
Adult: for those aged over 18.
For the Adult Category it's to remark the winner Mary Blindflowers with her drawing Mother and son in War, mixed media on paper that will be exhibited at the Henry Moore Foundation until 1 November 2019.
La casa dove abitava Henry Moore a Perry Green è oggi un museo con attorno settanta acri di terreno all'aperto dove campeggiano le sculture dell'artista.
L'interno del museo mostra ai visitatori le varie fasi del processo di lavorazione scultorea di Moore, dalla maquette al pezzo monumentale, con i disegni preparatori, l'osservazione delle conchiglie, dei sassi, di pezzi di legno pietrificato, che servivano a Moore come base concreta per elaborare le sculture spesso ispirate a elementi naturali e a forme casuali unite al tema onnipresente del femminino che permea tanta parte della sua produzione artistica.
Il fienile medioevale ospita arazzi di grandi dimensioni riproducenti i disegni inspirati a Moore commissionati al West Dean College.
La Henry Moore Foundation ha organizzato una competizione di disegni ispirati all'opera di Moore per l'anno 2019. I temi erano:
Reclining Figure
Mother and Child
Natural forms
Life Drawing
Tre le categorie di partecipanti:
Primary: for children aged 11 and under, in primary or pre-school.
Secondary: for those aged 11 to 18 in secondary school or college.
Adult: for those aged over 18.
Nella categoria adulti segnaliamo la vincitrice Mary Blindflowers con il disegno Mother and son in War, tecnica mista su carta che rimarrà esposto alla Henry Moore Foundation fino al 1 Novembre 2019.