Da: Space Renaissance News 
Release n. 1 – 14/06/2018
Vienna 18-22 June 2018 – The Space Renaissance International Association will participate to the UNISPACE +50 conference, the first United Nations Global Space Summit of the 21st century, organised by the UNOOSA (UN Office for Outer Space Affairs) in Vienna from 18-22 June 2018.
UNISPACE +50 is an important event, having the aim of strengthening international collaboration, building, with the support of all the involved actors, a new concept of space governance, in line with Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. The conference will further confirm the great social benefits of space as an area of innovation, inspiration, interconnection, integration and investment, based on the exploration and peaceful use of space.
During the first two days, UNISPACE +50 Symposium will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which took place in 1968, and will offer the international community the opportunity to consider the future course of global space cooperation for the benefit of humankind. Hundreds of representatives of the space community, representatives of governments, the private and industrial sectors, academia, non-governmental organisations and more than 20 space agencies from around the world are expected.
The UNISPACE +50 High Level Segment of the 61st session of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) will be held on 20-21 June, to allow member states and UN permanent observers to reflect on the outcome of the three previous UNISPACE conferences and consider the future of international cooperation in the peaceful uses of space. Member States are expected to adopt a UNISPACE +50 resolution on 20 June, which will be presented to the UN General Assembly in the form of a resolution to be considered at its 73rd session in 2018.
"For Space Renaissance International, the opportunity to participate in this conference is a first acknowledgement of a path that led us to put together, during the works of the 2nd National Congress of Space Renaissance Italia (the Italian chapter) held in May in Bologna, more than forty speakers from the most prestigious Italian and European research centers and aerospace organizations. — said Adriano Autino, the president and founder of Space Renaissance International, who will also attend to the works of the High Level Segment UNISPACE +50 — This symposium will open the doors of COPUOS to a debate in which the many NGOs active in the space sector, including ours, which promotes civil expansion in space, to ensure the continuation and progress of civilization itself, will be allowed to participate. Space Renaissance International will bring to Vienna its most urgent recommendations: that the United Nations act with all its means to support the quick start of the industrialization of the Earth's orbit and of the geo-lunar space. To this end, the Association promotes the reuse of space debris, the low-cost transportation of untrained civilian passengers in space, the protection of life and health in space, the use of asteroid and lunar raw materials, fostering public and private investment in civilian activities in space."
Notes for Editors
Space Renaissance International is an international astronautical-humanist organization dedicated to broadening the awareness that human expansion into space is fundamental to the sustainability of today's civilization and its indispensable growth. The Association intends to trigger a change in public opinion towards space travel and the use of space resources, in order to achieve a substantial increase in investment in human space activities and a focus of these investments on concrete actions oriented to civil expansion in space.
Space Renaissance Italia is the Italian chapter of Space Renaissance International.
Space Renaissance USA, Inc. is the USA chapter of Space Renaissance International.
UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) is the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, based in Vienna, which provides the secretariat for COPUOS. Its tasks also include the management of the register of space objects launched into space. The current Director is the Italian astrophysicist Simonetta Di Pippo.
COPUOS (Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space) was established by the General Assembly in 1959 to govern the exploration and use of space for the benefit of all mankind: for peace, security and development. The Committee has been mandated to review international cooperation in the peaceful uses of space, study space-related activities which could be undertaken by the United Nations, encourage space research programmes and study legal problems arising from space exploration.
  • USA (MEDIA) – Walter Putnam waltputnam@gmail.com +1 4044 051388
  • SPACE RENAISSANCE USA, Inc. – Manuel Perez manperez@yahoo.com +1 718 7264111
  • ITALY (PRESS) – Marco Pavesi marcogiovanni.pavesi@gmail.com +39 338 392 0509
  • ITALY (OUTREACH) – Chiara Chiesa chiara.chiesa@spacerenaissance.it +39 339 4062543
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