The Best di H+ Magazine, 2008-2010

"...Segnalo l'uscita del primo volume de Il Meglio di H+ Magazine, pubblicato da Humanity+ Press.

Il libro raccoglie una selezione di articoli originalmente pubblicati fra il 2008 (anno di nascita della rivista online)  e il 2010.

Qui su Amazon (a meno di 15 dollari): Best of H+ Magazine.

E questo e' l'intero Table of Contents:  Preface by Ben Goertzel; Preface by R.U. Sirius; The Rise of the Citizen Scientist; Why DIY Bio? Re-Engineering the Human Immune System; Self Tracking: The Quantified Life is Worth Living; From Hackerspace to Your Garage; Scrapheap Transhumanism; DIY RFID; Radically Enhanced Human Body; Our Machines/Ourselves: AI/Bots/The Singularity; Ray Kurzweil: The H+ Interview; Brain on a Chip: A Roundup of Projects Working on Silicon Intelligence; The Chinese Singularity; Build an Optimal Scientist, Then Retire; Here Come the Neurobots: Brain Bots are Developing Personalities – and a Whole Lot More; Can “Terminators” Actually Be Our Salvation; Chronic Citizen: Jonathan Lethem on P.K. Dick; Isn’t It Time for Cinematic Sci-Fi Television?; Let a Hundred Futures Bloom; The Reluctant Transhumanist; Was Michael Jackson a Transhumanist?; Gene Genies: BIO Adventures in Synthetic Biology: Interview with Stanford’s Drew Endy; Eight Ways In-Vitro Meat Will Change Our Lives; One Atom at a Time: Nano How Close Are We to Real Nanotechnology?; Targeting Cancer Cells with Nanoparticles; Engineering an End to Aging; Smart Biology to the Rescue; I Am Ironman!: HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) Cybernetic Suit; My New Sense Organ; Sports Enhancement and Life Enhancement: Different Rules Apply; Botox Parties, Michael Jackson, and the Disillusioned Transhumanist This is Your Brain on Neurotechnology Optogenetics: The Edge of Neural Control; Cognitive Commodities in the Neuro Marketplace; Will We Eventually Upload Our Minds?; Transhumanism at Play Gamification: Turning Work Into Play; The Perils of FDS; Fun Deficiency Syndrome; The Pursuit of Crappines....."