Prophecy tells a medieval reported by Luigi Valli that the true meaning of Dante would be unveiled only six hunded years after his death. Adding six hundred years at the of death of the poet get to 1921. And it is no coincidence that around 1920 have appeared very significant studies that can give new freshness to the work of Dante. Already in 1919 Don Miguel Asin Palacios detects impressive correspondences and similarities between the Muslim eschatology and the entire production of Dante, especially the Divine Comedy. Even in the Islamic tradition, in fact, the night journey on horseback Muhammad al-Buraq, a symbol of divine love starts from Mecca to come to Jerusalem, where took the first descent into the infernal regions (al-Isra), and then the ascension in the different layers heavenly or celestial spheres (the Mi'raj). Purgatory is absent in the Islamic vision. The purpose of the trip is the nearness of God. While Western art is so in love with God and the Transcendent, through the Birth, Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, by representing it in its various aspects, Islam, like Judaism, shy away from describing the states of the way of salvation. In the journey of Muhammad, which are not foreign elements of Iranian Avestan, it captures the contrary, the poetic sense of the itinerary of purification, through piety and mysticism. It is not easy endorse "in toto", the manners of the Orientalists, the notion of a privileged source of Islamic Comedy. Are opposite, in fact, the visions of the world and are the two antagonistic civilizations, at the time of the poet, but the esoteric experience of the journey of Muhammad is, hiwever, a matter of fact unsurpassed. The debate is neverthless open (Maria Corti). The possibilism is now less opposed by our culture. The exchange between the cultures was very much alive at the time of Dante, despite the often armed confrontration. The Divine Comedy has, on the other hand, made over the centuries a significant touchstone of great literary devices and imaginary. The Opera was a culmination of of the poetics of the Trascendent, a journey of the soul and the mind in the recessess of the human categories of faith in the afterlife, as well as in the way that man has conceive of its existence, in the context a drawning invisible and misterious. The unknown, the sense of guilt she and trusts in a God who is the engine of the great religious cultures of the Mediterranean. Dante had at his disposal not only a wide range of cultural sources. Old Testament, New Testament, patristic, poetic,, "novelistic", geographical, astronomical, historical, philosophical and occult esoteric, such as Zohar and Jewish gematria or the same cabal. The Dante's Divine Comedy greatley influenced the religious and moralistic literature of Judaism and Islam, by Emanuel Romano and others, in the Jewish world, and through a revival of spiritual and eschatological treatises on the model of Miìraj in the Islamic world. That Mi'raj which includes, therefore, on the main sources of the construction of Alighieri.
Casalino Pierluigi, 26th September, 2013