Roma and Art's Towns: Ferrara capital of Renaissance... New York segnala il Carnevale Rinascimentale a cura Pro Loco Fe ecc.

Then the New Year 2013 would see P/L association engaging a new project challenging . This event Isn't the secret absolutely ( in fact this is matter of conversation since few months) and now magic moment finally arrived to communicate this very important news also throw web channels which is matter of fact sustain constantly the activity of Pro Loco Ferrara association since the foundation because is very important for divulgation of Art and Culture of Ferrara with good benefit to the Tourism development.

First Edition of CARNEVALE RINASCIMENTALE goal an important and great success , which promoted this event to a high level programmed hierarchy , organised by local Administration of COMUNE FERRARA which help Pro Loco to reach another very important goal : we are talking about the FESTE RINASCIMENTALI A PALAZZO ( Renaissance's Celebrations inside Palaces )

Obviously for Ferrara town, this is a very difficult and topic moment, in fact the earthquake, which hit and hurt hardly her on the may 2012 , among the silence and fake appearance of normality , get big and huge damns to artistic-cultural local capital. In fact there lots of church and palaces ( authentic amazing boxes fully of riches ) which are very damaged and now are close to public and many which are still open need absolutely urgent repairs. Then we have a great solution to exorcist the venom- sadness which affected us in the recent times.
The Renaissance's Celebrations inside Palaces , will developed inside the Historical palaces which will host great convivial meetings , banquets , dances and funny carnival's jokes, theatre representations , Renaissance's shows. Two are palaces PALAZZO PENDAGLIA (location of prestigious Hotel-School O.Vergani) and PALAZZO ROVERELLA, living room and entertaiment salon of Circolo dei Negozianti ( Shoppers Circle) of Ferrara.

This event, was realised and magisterially directed by Art Director and Vice-President Susanna Tartari , but also with good support f Technical Direction of Dott.ssa Adelaide Vicentini, purposed by our PRO LOCO with ambition of resurrect past life moments referrals to Ducato Estense (Ducal government) historical period , A part all (as the best Italy pro loco tradition ) this event is an unrepeatable occasion to promote out of field of Ferrara town a very important and valued great dish typical product of traditional ferrarese local kitchen , il PASTICCIO di MACCHERONI FERRARESE, this delicious dish is purposed since the first edition of Ferrarese Renaissance's Carnival
S. Tartari, as we just talked about , is Art Director of this very important cultural event and in order to achieve all his objectives with success She choose between her friends all best professional talents in Music Arts, with ambitious objective to make a beautiful and meaningful meeting with the best Musicians of Ferrara town . This great ensemble hasn't a precise name but hold a rich and meaningful repertoire of Renaissance music very spectacular and effective; the chief of this group is Master Andrea Fortini. All music will would arranged and with dances choreography of components of the band dof " Gruppo di Danza Storica Il Saltarello" from Mirandola (a location in the local field brutally hurt by recent earthquake) - dressed in perfect Renaissance historical clothes. Furthermore there are other artists as narrators voices: Fabio Midolo (Master of sing and recitation ) narrate histories of Renaissance historical period , Raffale Iorio (founder of Yorik acting company ) the wonderful animator of Renaissance Carnival Celebrations, has the great skill to recreate the magical atmosphere of this historical period . The kitchen menus also will be faithful of Renaissance traditions and rich and beautiful banquets will be prepared magisterially by an important cult or of this particular subject, included the complete history of Renaissance Ferrarese Dames, the great Annarita Battaglioli.
The last important protagonist of this important cultural manifestation is the Technical Director of the project dott.ssa Adelaide Vicentini, . She's responsible of Marketing Organization made with friends sponsors and supporters of the celebrations : ASCOM, and Coldiretti Associations and many other important professional enterprises as: pastificio Beccati, Bottega del Pane, Kilometro Zero, bar Boni, La Luminaria, pasticceria Chocolat, Diamante Dolciaria,' Hotel Touring and Link Tours tourists agency .

At last we wish to remember that as matter of fact since 2013 the event "Feste Rinascimentali a Palazzo" ( Renaissance's Celebrations inside Palaces ) is part of a larger cultural and entertainment project called " CARNEVALE RINASCIMENTALE"( Renaissance's Carnival) stimulated and favourite by local administration of Ferrara town with valuable and meaningful contribute of many other cultural and professional associations of ferrarese territorial field . In a quiet short period of 4 days of Renaissance Celebrations the tourist could be get full immersion in traditional parades made by Figurants of Contrade del Palio, square shows , fireworks and again, skill games , Renaissance dances , concerts, rich banquets , Renaissance dinners and funniest and amazing Renaissance theatrical performances.
For more information about " Feste Rinascimentali a Palazzo" ( Renaissance's Celebrations inside Palaces ) , log on the website
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Ufficio stampa: CAT Comunicazione
