Humanity Plus: Stefano Vaj at Beyond Human: Rethinking the Technological Extension of the Human Condition (London)

Lo scorso 8 Ottobre 2011, a Londra (Gran Bretagna), prestigioso ed applauditissimo intervento di uno dei leaders del transumanesimo e del neofuturismo italiano Stefano Vaj (anche a Ferrara il 20 2 2009 per il Centenario futurista...)  in:

The event

Beyond Human:
Rethinking the Technological Extension of the Human Condition

Organised by Humanity+ UK,
with support from Virtual Futures, London Futurists, and Zero State.

 Beyond human: Implications and controversies

 Steve Fuller – Humanity 2.0: What it Means to be Human Past, Present and Future

David Pearce – The Anti-Speciesist Revolution

Luke Robert Mason – The post-user net: infomorphology and being human

Stefano Vaj – How to Make A Singularity Happen


Stefano Vaj is the secretary of the Associazione Italiana Transumanisti, and one of the organisers of Transvision 2010. He served as a professor in New Technologies Law at the University of Padua, is a journalist, a writer and a practising lawyer.

A member of the editorial board of Divenire: Rassegna di Studi Interdisciplinari sulla Tecnica e il postumano, Stefano Vaj is the author of, inter alia, of Biopolitica: Il nuovo paradigma ( An English translation of another book (Dove va la biopolitica?) will shortly become available.


Stefano Vaj will talk on “The End of Eschatological Narratives: From Posthumanism to a Posthuman Change, or How to Make A Singularity Happen”.