Giulio Prisco- Transhuman Aesthetics a cura di Luke Robert Mason

Transhuman Aesthetics in Performance, Teleplace, 17th November 2010 at 10.45 am PST

Luke Robert Mason will present an artist’s work-in-progress talk in Teleplace on “Coding Consciousness: Transhuman Aesthetics in Performance” on Wednesday 17th November 2010 at 10.45 am PST (1.45pm EST, 6.45pm UK, 7.45pm CET). ....
".....Coding Consciousness’ represents both the great challenge and great limitation of technology. My aim is to look at how performance can transcend these current technological limitations and utter suggestions as to the creative application of life without boundaries – creating a mind free to transcend positional limits by embodying technology.”
Luke Robert Mason is a University of Warwick, Theatre and Performance Studies Undergraduate Student and Live Artist. He will share some of his current research with the aim to provoke debate. There will be an extensive Q&A session following the talk and he is eager to capture participant’s views and opinions.
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