logo_Transvision2010.jpg07/11/2009 - Nasce il sito del Fronte Transumanista Europeo

E' stato lanciato il sito del "Fronte Transumanista Europeo" promosso dall'AIT e da essa rappresentato in Italia, già attivo anche per quanto riguarda Germania, Francia, Russia e Slovenia.

The purpose of this Web site is to create a single point of reference for European transhumanism, aimed at a long overdue increase in its visibility and in the reciprocal exchanges and cooperation amongst its several components and local organisations.
Accordingly, we have no plan to replace them, but rather to support, promote and integrate their activities. Nor for that matter is it our intention to try and compete with existing umbrella organisations, of which many of the groups mentioned herein are local chapters.
Yet, the name of this initiative is eloquent as to the very explicite stances which have commanded its establishment.

EUROPEAN: In spite of a wide use of a "global" or "globalist" vocabulary, or perhaps because of it, transhumanism is still too often perceived as a niche, peculiar US phenomenon, and this impression is reinforced by the over-representation of American initiatives, mentality, events, political and cultural debates, points of views, authors, concerns in its international fora and press. While the "hub" role that the United States - starting from the original group born around Max More and the Extropy Institute - may have historically played in the establishment of contemporary, organised transhumanism cannot be denied, this fact obviously does not make for an easier penetration and adoption of our ideas in other parts of the world, let alone where globalism is more likely to be perceived as an entropic loss of diversity, identity and popular sovereignty. Additionally, Europe in particular has expressed along the years a vibrant thread of cultural movements and trends and writers deserving attention and recognition as obvious precursors of transhumanism, or as open transhumanists themselves, irrespective of the adoption of the T word itself. This makes for a richness and for a difference in flavours which should not be underestimated and/or neglected, and for an important opportunity for cross-pollination amongst different European transhumanist cultural environments....

